After purchasing a garden building, it's important for customers to properly care for and maintain it to ensure its longevity and optimal condition. Here are some general aftercare advice tips:

Regular cleaning

We advise our customers to regularly clean their garden building to remove dirt, debris, and any potential build-up. This includes sweeping the floors, dusting shelves and surfaces, and wiping down windows and doors.

Inspect for damage

Encourage customers to inspect their garden building periodically for any signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or loose fittings. Promptly addressing these issues can prevent further damage and ensure the building remains structurally sound.

Painting or staining

If the garden building is made of wood, we recommend that customers consider painting/staining it to protect it from the elements. All our buildings & timber are fully Tanalised (pressure treated) against anti-fungi and anti-rot, but we also advise that the building is treated with a suitable water repellent coating e.g Protek Stable Coat / Protek Royal Exterior


Treat for pests

Regularly check for signs of pests, such as insects or rodents, and take appropriate measures to address any infestations. This may include using pest control products or contacting professionals if necessary.

Proper ventilation

Ensuring proper ventilation inside the garden building is paramount. Adequate airflow helps prevent moisture build-up, which can lead to mold, mildew, and damage to the garden building's structure. Jons Sheds encourage customers to regularly keep vents/windows/doors open and consider installing additional ventilation if needed.

Roof maintenance

We would recommend you inspect and maintain the roof of your garden building regularly, which would include loose or damaged felt/shingles/EPDM, clear any debris, and ensure proper drainage to prevent water pooling.

Our comprehensive aftercare advice not only helps you to maintain the condition of your garden building but also showcases our dedication to customer satisfaction.